Habib Levy
The Dr. Habib Levy Collection focuses on the historical and cultural heritage of Iranian Jews
Catalog code CHL | The Special Collections' Floor (3rd Floor), Wiener-Gross Building.
The collection consists of dictionaries, encyclopedias, journals, literature, various non-fiction titles on medicine and sciences, religion and politics, and many titles related to the historical and cultural heritage of Iran. Most publications are in Persian, whereas some are in English, French, and Hebrew
Most of the Persian language titles, discussing Iranian history from the pre-Islamic period to the modern era, have been published in Iran during the first half of the 20th century.
On Dr. Habib Levy
Habib Levy (1896–1984) was a dentist, a historian, and a public figure, who was one of the prominent figures of Iranian Jewry in the modern era. In addition to his diverse public activities for the prosperity and welfare of the Iranian Jewish community and for the State of Israel, he was well known and credited for his pioneering comprehensive research which was published in three volumes (in Persian),Tārīkh-i Yahūd-i Īrān, The History of the Jews of Iran.
For more information: cencoll@tauex.tau.ac.il | 03-6407850