Herbert Cohen Rare Books
The Herbert Cohen Rare Books Collection comprises many rare books and journals, some of them quite antique, covering a diversity of subjects with an emphasis on the Humanities and on Judaism
Catalog code CR/CRG | Request a book | Collection Manager: Mor Cohen-Raz, PhD

The collection holds ancient books, some considered incunabula (printed during the early stages of printing) and printed in the 16th, 17th, and 18th centuries in several languages.
The Collection was first displayed in 1982 thanks to Mr. Herbert Cohen's generous donation. Over the years, the library was honored by receiving rare and interesting books for this collection from Dr. Abraham Horodisch and from Mr. Jean-Paul Neuman. Mr. William Margulies enriched the collection by donating rare books in Yiddish.
Books designated as "rare" meet the following criteria:
- printed before 1750
- Hassidic Literature printed before 1810
- Books printed in The Land of Israel, before 1890
- Books printed in Ethiopia (and Eritrea), before 1936
- Books printed in the United States:
- East Coast, before 1882
- West Coast, before 1880
- Ancient manuscripts
- Materials of special or significant value, e.g.: books with special printing, first editions, special editions and limited editions (a small number of copies printed),
- books of remarkable value (according to professional criteria)
From the collection
- Segments from the Cairo Genizah
- Around 30 manuscripts of the Beta Israel Community of Ethiopia from the Faitlovitch Collection
- Five incunabula, such as Passions of Christ and other historiographies
- First Edition of three of Spinoza's most important writings
- First Edition of Darwin's Descent of Man
- Two full sets of Diderot & d'Alembert's Encyclopedia with illustrations
On Mr. Herbert Cohen
Mr. Herbert Cohen was an industrialist, one of the prominent members of the Tel Aviv University Dutch Friends Association, and a member of the University Board of Governors. Mr. Cohen's generous donation financed the establishment of the collection in a special Reading Room. He had also donated rare books enriching the collection.
For more information: morcohen@tauex.tau.ac.il | 03-6408352