Horodisch - History of Books
The Horodisch Collection on the History of Books and Printing comprises some 10,000 titles emphasizing the important and crucial role the book has played in developing human culture in many aspects: historical, technical, artistic
Catalog code CH / CHG | The Special Collections' Floor (3rd Floor), Wiener-Gross Building.

The various subjects covered by the items in the collection include book history, the history of printing and publication, illuminating books and manuscripts, calligraphy, typography, bibliography, binding, paper industry, ex-libris (a decorative bookplate), the book's role in the development of general culture, graphical art, forgery, reading, etc.
The following selected databases were purchased thanks to generosity of the Abraham Horodisch Foundation:
- Early European Books
- Eighteenth Century Collections Online (ECCO)
- Literary Print Culture: The Stationers' Company Archive, 1554–2007
- Full list of databases
On Dr. Horodisch
Dr. Abraham Horodisch (1898–1987), who created and enriched the collection as his life project has donated it to the Tel Aviv University, was a prominent expert in the fields of Book History and Design, a publisher, a bibliophile, and the owner of the Erasmus Antiquariaat in Amsterdam. Dr. Horodisch had written and edited more than 200 books and articles.
Selected titles
- Album d'Ex-libris rares et curieux du XVIIe au XIXe siecle. Paris: L. Joly, 1895.
- Davenport, Cyril. English Embroided Bookbindings. London: Kegan Pual, Trench, Trubner, 1899.
- Ogle, John J. The Free Library: Its History and Present Condition. London: G. Allen, 1897.
For more information: morcohen@tauex.tau.ac.il | 03-6407850